Nu Omega, Beta Sigma Phi
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Service Projects

We do 3 different service projects a year.
Our projects this year was Autism Speaks, OKC Animal Shelter and one yet to be determined.

Melissa, Jeanniene and Bridget with their puppies!

One of our many service projects this year was donating our time to the local Okc Animal Shelter. We walked the dogs and played with the puppies. Shauna, one of our members is a regular volunteer and we must all say this was such an enjoyable day! I believe however everyone got the work out they so needed!
Please go out and volunteer at your local animal shelter. If you cant volunteer your time then please give donations.

The group walking their first set of dogs.

Not really one of our Service projects this year but a few of us we happy to take part in helping Coldplay and their charity Oxfam spread the word about all that needs to be done. Ofxam is a WWRO that helps bring clean water to third world countries, brings relief to national disasters among other things. Go on their website and take a look and see what you can do!

Jeanniene, Phyllis, Melissa and I before heading out to get some autographs!

A Little about Oxfam:

Oxfam International is a confederation of 13 like-minded organizations working together and with partners and allies around the world to bring about lasting change.

We work directly with communities and we seek to influence the powerful to ensure that poor people can improve their lives and livelihoods and have a say in decisions that affect them.

What we do

Find out how we work with others to end poverty and injustice, from campaigning to responding to emergencies.

Why we do it

We believe that respect for human rights will help lift people out of poverty.

So go sign up for their newsletter!

Nu Omega * Oklahoma City Chapter*